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Complete Modern & Kent Recordings (CD)

James Etta

Definitive 2 CD set containing one take of every recording Ms. James made for Modern and Kent Records between 1954-1958, plus every surviving significant alternate take, re-mastered from the original Modern tape sources. Many of the tracks here are undisputed R&B Hall of Fame classics, including ‘The Wallflower’ (aka Roll with Me Henry), ‘Good Rockin’ Daddy’, ‘The Pick-Up’, ‘and the wild and crazy ‘Tough Lover’. This is the first time that these tracks have been reissued in the same place, at the same time, and they have never, ever sounded as good as they do here! Ace. 2005.

SKU: 029667016124 Category:
Genre: Blues
Media Type: CD
Label: Ace Records UK
