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This is a Photograph

Kevin Morby

This is a Photograph is Indie singer-songwriter Kevin Morby’s sixth album. Its indie folk-tinged predecessor, Sundowner, was a favorite around Euclid since it first hit stores and never stopped getting rotation as an in-store play. Personally, it made such an impression that I had to buy a copy to fill those quiet pandemic-era spaces on my days off.

The first few singles of This is a Photograph proved more rawkus than those spacious folk tunes of its most immediate forebear as Morby brings his skillful songwriting to the kinds of reflection a lot of us have been making these last few years.

Upon release of the full album, it became essential listening that sounds better with every listen, and we listen to it a lot in the store.

Nick's Picks

Nick is a comic artist and music aficionado who's been with Euclid for 10 years. Nico was never in the Velvet Underground.